Rely on your human intelligence always! Better than compute systems.
SMEs Pricing.
How much should I pay?
With just an idea for a business you want to embark on, you can start a commercial business now or sooner. Starting a serious business will cost you at least $20,000 during the early stages and can run up to $400,000 within the next 10 years. You need to make profits to stay in business. ACS encourages you, as we build a one-on-one business relationship with all our customers. We are available to attend to the needs of all clients 24/7.
Contact us if you intend to start a non-profit business.
110 – 115 pages long business plan
Create a business action plan
Includes a plan to improve continuously
Full ownership rights transferable
Note: Remember for this product, price depends on the complexity. The total amount you pay may be higher or lower. You’ll see a refund or a debit charge toward any outstanding balances as per our terms of agreement.
120 pages long business plan.
Develop and produce a business action plan.
1 year of free consulting
- 10-year forecast of expected revenue
- Includes business registration
- Full ownership rights transferable
- For commercial business use only
Best for businesses of any size
An official business plan
Customized plan for scaling the business
New product development
3 years free consulting
Full ownership rights transferable
For commercial business use only
- * Business blueprint clients only
- 5 years free consulting
- New product development (NPD) plan
- Includes SCM plan (optional)
- Build a managed GRC solution framework
- Full ownership rights transferable
Sponsored product.
- 2 fixed dedicated specialist
- 10 months contract
- No agent rotation
- 4 dedicated specialists
- 1 year contract
- ACS managed support agents
- 6 dedicated specialists
- 1 year service guarantee
- ACS managed support specialists
- 10 – 24 dedicated specialists
- 1 years service agreement
- ACS managed support specialist
Coming soon.
- We’ll tell your story
- Includes legal and administrative setup cost
- Connect with braodcasting agencies and news media platforms
- Setup cutting-edge campaigns with high ROI
- Everything in “START”
- Create a story that translates to 3 different audiences based on their belief, values and culture
- Setup a secure method to receive contributions
- Everything in “START” & “GROW”
- Create a story that translates to 10 countries based on their language, values and activities
- Produce a 12 minute informative video
- Conveys your story in a professional manner
- Everything in “PRO”
- Plan up to 10 fund raising events
- Deduct 15% of your budget for efficient planning in addition to the price of this service
- Research collaborators & fiscal sponsors
Coming soon.
- A basic1-year solution that works fine
- For immediate fixes or urgent issues
- Test and execute the solution
- Continuous improvement and performance testing
- 1 year contract and warranty
- Note: The total amount you pay for custom packages may be higher or lower. You see a refund or a debit charge toward any outstanding balances as per our terms of service.
- Everything in "START"
- For medium size businesses
- Existing business plan/blueprint required
- Includes advanced alternative solutions
- Solution performance testing
- A compiled plan to continuously improve
- Warranty for all solutions is 1 year
- 2 year contract
- Everything in "START" & "GROW"
- Best for businesses of any size
- A solution for your business plan
- Analysis of your existing business blueprint (BB)
- Solution designed to scale
- Includes a solution for continuous improvement
- Includes a risk forecast report
- Includes risk management setup
- Everything in "PRO!"
- Enterprise IT business solution
- Business Solution Architecture (BSA) - optional
- Every solution is designed to scale
- Solution systems integration
- Software solutions cost extra
- Strategic business solutions
Business Registration
Business Auditing
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Business Solution Blueprint
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